Site Lines, 2014, installation view, 15’ x 28’ x 28’; handmade convex glass mirror in wooden frame, 853 images, 4500’ of cotton line, 853 clothespins. Image by John Carlano.
Overview of the space; over 4500’ of cotton line crisscrosses the space. There are 853 images hanging, each attached to the line with a clothespin. Images include pinhole negatives and prints from handmade pinhole cameras; 120mm and 35mm black and white darkroom prints; 120mm negatives; digital prints; digital transparencies; 35mm color film processed and printed in black and white; digital and wet prints of digital pinhole cameras; 35mm digital selections of historical images, made into negatives and printed in the darkroom; and digital prints of images scanned from placing cell phone directly on scanner bed.